EUROTEL Quality Policy

In EUROTEL HOSPITALITY S.A. we have adapted our procedures, regarding the marketing of products and the provision of hospitality management services as well as the design and production of software, in compliance with the legislative framework that governs us, in order to ensure that we understand the needs and expectations of our customers.

Our primary objectives and vision of our company are:

- To provide our customers with products and services of a consistently high standard and fit for purpose.

- To exceed the set goals of each year in an environment that encourages improvement.

- To study and evaluate the threats and opportunities arising from our company's operating context as well as from our stakeholders.

- To reduce the cost of projects.

- To comply with the terms and conditions set by both applicable legislation and specific conditions set by the client.

- to ensure appropriate working conditions, equipment and manpower to guarantee the smooth execution of the works.

- To ensure continuous development, emphasizing the quality of the services provided and the full satisfaction of our customers.

- The implementation of the policy of repeated contacts with our customers (follow up), at all stages of communication with them.

- The effective utilization of communication with customers & the reduction of dissatisfied customers

- Increasing turnover and profits and investing them in the company's resources and infrastructure

- The continuous updating and training of our staff and partners

In order to achieve the above objectives, the company has studied, designed, installed and operates a Quality Management System in accordance with the International Standard ISO 9001:2015.

Accordingly, the projects must meet the Client's requirements which are stated in the relevant contracts. Processes must be monitored and measured so that they can be controlled to enable continuous improvement.

The objectives for quality and their corresponding indicators are reviewed during the review of the Quality System by the Company's management.

The Company's Management is committed to fully support the Quality Management System that it implements, and provides the necessary resources for the implementation of the Quality Policy and the continuous improvement of the Company's organization. It is also committed to comply with the applicable legislation, standards and regulations relevant to the scope of application.